
Posted by Ali Reda | Posted in | Posted on 6/24/2012

  1. Burglars tried to rob and install listening devices in Watergate complex "Democratic Party" but were captured, FBI following the money transferred to them from Committee for the Re-Election of the President, a fundraising group for the Nixon campaign from and also discovered the name of E. Howard Hunt in the address books of the Burglers.
  2. Bernstein learned that a $25,000 check for Nixon's reelection campaign had been deposited in the bank account of one of the burglars.  reported the check had been given to Maurice Stans,  the former Secretary of Commerce who served as Nixon's chief fundraiser.
  3. As the two reporters pursued the story, Woodward relied on Mark Felt, a high ranking official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as a confidential source. With access to FBI reports on the burglary investigation, Felt could confirm or deny what other sources were telling The Post reporters. He also could tell them what leads to pursue. Woodward agreed to keep his identity secret, referring to him in conversations with colleagues only as "Deep Throat." His identity would not become public until 2005, 33 years later. 
  4. Woodward and Bernstein scored a string of scoops, reporting that Attorney General John Mitchell controlled a secret fund that paid for a campaign to gather information on the Democrats.
  5. Judge Sirica read the court a letter from Watergate burglar and CRP Security Coordinator James McCord alleging that perjury had been committed in the Watergate trial, and that defendants had been pressured to remain silent.Trying to make them talk, Sirica gave Hunt and two burglars provisional sentences of up to 40 years.Committee deputy director Jeb Magruder told U.S. attorneys that he had perjured himself during the burglars' trial, and implicated John Dean (The White House Counsel) and John Mitchell.
  6. U.S. attorneys told Nixon that Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean and other White House officials were implicated in the coverup.
  7. John Dean begins cooperating with federal Watergate prosecutors
  8. Senior White house administration officials John Ehrlichman, H. R. Haldeman, and Richard Kleindienst resign; John Dean is fired.
  9. John Dean tells Watergate investigators that he has discussed the cover-up with Nixon at least 35 times.
  10. Alexander Butterfield, former presidential appointments secretary, reveals that all conversations and telephone calls in Nixon’s office have been taped since 1971.
  11. the United States Senate voted 77–0 to establish a select committee to investigate Watergate, with Sam Ervin named chairman the next day.
  12. The Listing mechanism in white houes recorded a tape "Smoking Gun" where Nixon was trying to plan to stop the investigation and he refused to release the tape until the Supreme court ruled to release them.
  13. Nixon Resigned and was pardoned by Ford.

What is The Logos ?

Posted by Ali Reda | Posted in | Posted on 6/24/2012


emphasized the unstoppable movement of nature. One cannot step in the same river twice; both the river and the self have changed since the first time. Nevertheless, he saw that change did not mean sheer chaos. Hence he found in the universe a rationality which is the Logos.


believed that the world was capable of being known through a human rationality that corresponds to or participates in the rationality of the universe,i.e. The Logos is the Sum of Human Rationality The world soul (Anima mundi) is an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet forming the Logos.


equates the Logos with God, so God is the Sum of Human Rationality.The soul of the universe, which is composed of many seminal logoi that are contained in the universal logos


Logos is the principle of meditation, the interrelationship between the Hypostases (Soul, Spirit (nous) and the 'One


Represented the Logos as the Hebrew word of God, as colored by the later idea of the divine Wisdom which is the Hand which god uses to intervene in the physcial world and results in all what is happening, so it is the relation between God and Man,being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human mind can apprehend and comprehend God including Nature and Angels but His Problem was "Is the Logos Seperate from God or a Part of God??"


The Logos is Christ